A creamy filling of ricotta cheese and shrimp mixed with green peppers, celery, and green onions and folded into bite-sized phyllo triangles is always...
Beautiful dried apples tied with raffia or ribbon to be used as an ornament on a Christmas tree, wrapped gifts, gift baskets or even decorative bottles....
I found this recipe in the April/May 2009 issue of Health Cooking by Taste of Home. This cake is packed full of carrots, fruit and delicious goodness....
This is the basic soup recipe that is the basis of Good Housekeeping's soup diet. It's similar to another recipe I've posted, Recipe #259398, but with...
After trying a number of different recipes for PA Dutch Chicken Corn Soup, I finally combined a number of the recipes and adjusted them to my family's...
i've been making stuffing like this ever since my mom taught me how. this stuffing is perfect for those who don't like all the "extra stuff" people put...
I'm posting this because I want to save the recipe. I looks so delish and refreshing. Found in Woman's world, Lighten up recipe. The 6 hrs is setting time...
Bring on pretzel power by making this variation from Martha Stewart Oct. 2011. "Half cookie, half pretzel hybrid. Broken pretzels are worked into the dough....
Marjorie Johnson, of Robbinsdale, Minnesota created this recipe as an alternative to caramel & cinnamon rolls. She received the White Wheat Award for it...
I LOVE noodle pudding, not being Jewish I had no good family recipes for it but being from NY I DID have some great delis, and ate more than my share of...
I had this today at a luncheon and had to have the recipe. The lady that brought it had all ready xeroxed copies because she knew that she would be handing...
Delicious traditional recipe. A little more cheesy than the typical recipe. I have included more detailed instructions on rolling the filo into triangles,...
If you like Ritter Sport Marzipan bars, you'll LOVE these! In this case, the marzipan is on the outside, which makes them look like little snowballs, and...
From my Fix-It and Forget-It Big Cookbook by Phyllis Pellman-Good. Found on page 526. Attributed to Michelle Snowalter from Bridgewater, Virginia, USA....
I have not tried this recipe; posted for safekeeping. Published in the Boston Globe. Allow 1 hour for the dough to firm before shaping, then several more...
This is the traditional way of making takuan in Japan. The daikon is first dried then pickled in nuka or rice bran powder (can be found in Japanese, Korean,...
From Super Food Ideas, a vegetarian Maltese snack/appertizer, suitable to freeze, instructions given at end of recipe. Have not allowed for cooling time...
From Food and Wine, Ming Tsai. Recipe variations include some from Ming Tsai (first three) and then "Trish Karter's Dancing Deer Shortbread Recipe Variations"....
My go to Make Ahead recipe if I have to feed a crowd. Must be made the day before. Served this for PTA luncheon & it was a huge hit. Ham may be used in...
We live in a very rural area and I normally place an order online to get my 80+ lbs of premium dog kibble each month to keep my German Shepherds healthy...
A lower fat version. Great taste! I make my own ranch dressing mix and omit the salt. It is too salty with the store bought ranch dressing mix. These are...
When I was in high school my dad was stationed in Hawaii. One of the things we loved the most were the manapuas. We'd buy them off the lunch truck that...
This is an offshoot of the regular broth that I keep on hand. Please feel free to criticize! How much salt should I have used? Would you prefer a different...
My son is allergic to tomatoes and peppers, so I'm always trying new recipes. He misses pasta, so I came up with this. It came out delicious and includes...
A wonderful orange infused cookie with a chocolate orange ribbon that is perfect for your holiday cookie tray or any time of the year. Note: Times do not...
This is a great way to take a fresh pumpkin and make your own "canned" pumpkin at home. I actually just freeze mine and vacuum seal for long-term storage....
I wanted a simple baked donut recipe, and created this recipe from a couple of other recipes. My wife found Petit Donut Baking pans (they are about the...
Germans enjoy Glühwein or "Glow Wine" quite a bit around Christmas and New Year's Day. A favorite place to sip a warming glass is outside at the Christmas...